Monday, April 19, 2010

Tips For How to Quit Smoking Weed

Hi there, this blog is about helping folks learn how to stop smoking weed more smoothly and effectively. For some people, marijuana or cannabis is not much of a problem when it comes to quitting. But for some reason (maybe psychological), other users seem to have the hardest time quitting marijuana. That's why this post was created, for those who want to quit weed and can't seem to stop for good.

When it comes to quitting marijuana, here are a few simple steps you can take on a daily basis that can reduce the difficulties involved with how to stop smoking weed:

The first thing you want to do is banish any hint of marijuana period. Get rid of posters, bongs,
rolling paper etc... I think you get the point. Why is this the first step & an important one? Because if your constantly bombarded with things that remind you of smoking weed, hot the heck can you ever actually quit smoking pot?

O.k. I have to get this out in the open right off the bat no matter how much you might hate the idea of it. you shouldn't be hanging out with people who still smoke pot! There, I said it... If your "buds" are doing there thing and lighting up all the time, it WILL be impossible for you to abstain from taking a hit. If you're not willing to do this, then just make sure to understand that you will not be able to stop smoking weed. There's just way too much peer pressure there to be successful...

Start taking up some sort of psysical activity so that every time you feel the craving to smoke marijuana, you can get up and jog or ride a bike. It's so simple too, the hardest part is actually getting your ass off the couch and putting the sneakers on. Once you're actually biking or whatever, the ability to stop thinking of smoking pot keeps diminishing. Try it and you'll see.

It's important to feed your mind and body with healthy, nutritious foods during this process. Make sure that you drink much water, eat fresh fruits and down those veggies because nothing can be better for you than this. The exercise plus a healthy water intake will help detox & flush your body of anything that shouldn't be there. After about one month of doing this, you'll definitely thank me for this.

Rest, rest and rest... No I don't mean become a bum and do nothing but sleep. What I'm saying here is to make it a point to give your body the rest that it needs to recover some of it's lost energy and vitality. There might be times when you just feel super tired for no reason during this process. It's o.k. and totally normal. Just give it the rest that it demands from you but don't over-sleep, have an alarm wake you after an hour or two (if the rest is during daytime hours). Do not stay up too late, but be certain that you give yourself the full 8-9 hours of night-time sleep.

I really hope this has helped you to understand the importance of following a plan when it comes to kicking the pot habit. Nothing good in life ever really comes easy when you think about it right? All the things that are destructive though, are so simple... It's just the way life is, we can't change that, but we can change the choices we make to either better our lives or to make them worse. I highly recommend you read a true story
about how one guy battled with his marijuana addiction, why he had to quit smoking pot and how he finally succeeded to undo his marijuana addiction. Because these tips are merely ways of making it a little easier to quit weed and we understand that many folks need a complete guide with step-by-step instructions from professionals to be able to finally stop forever. So if this is the case, then be my guest and make sure to click the links above and see if you're really addicted or not.

You can do this if you really want to - I wish you the best of luck!
